Esta versión de extracto de vainilla sin alcohol fue proporcionada por uno de los miembros de nuestro grupo de Facebook . Son sólo tres ingredientes y sabe muy bien. ¡Es perfecto para regalar y para dietas especiales!

Ordene El arte de hacer extractos . ¡ El primer libro de este tipo sobre elaboración de extractos publicado profesionalmente ya está disponible!



    • Cortar el VanillaPura Vainilla en grano verticalmente. No es necesario quitar nada, simplemente colócalos en la botella que elijas.
    • Agrega la glicerina y el agua y coloca la tapa en la botella.
    • Una vez a la semana, agite bien el frasco (después de 4 semanas puede agitarlo 2-3 veces por semana). Con el tiempo, la glicerina se oscurecerá. Tu extracto estará listo cuando quites la tapa y la fragancia te invada. ¡Este proceso puede tardar algunos meses!
    • Deje las vainas de vainilla y seguirán agregando sabor cuanto más tiempo se almacene.

NOTA: En recetas de extractos en las que se utiliza alcohol, como vodka, ron o bourbon, el contenido de alcohol suele rondar el 35% - 40% en esos licores. Eso significa que el 60% - 65% restante es agua. En el caso de utilizar glicerina pura, es necesario agregar agua para poder extraer todos los compuestos de sabor de los granos.

Aquí hay un video rápido de uno de nuestros recientes extractos de vainilla en vivo en los que hicimos grupos haciendo este extracto:

VanillaPura Pro


Sorry to hear the website was giving you technical trouble Vicky. It all seems good on our end so hopefully it’s working for you now, or that you found the information you were looking for.

A great way to find answers to all of your extract making questions is in our Facebook group “Making Vanilla Extract by VanillaPura”, if you’re not a member already, you’re very welcome to join!

— VanillaPura Pro

I just wanted to say I tried to watch this video and there was not sound. I watched the one with alcohol but wanted to know if there was a way to make it alcohol free, so I tried to watch this video.

— Vicky Cody

I was diagnosed as a type II diabetic 2002.

Hard liquor like vodka, bourbon and even rum do NOT contain carbs. The distilling process burn the carbs away.

Glycerin based extracts real benefit is their use in people that can’t tolerate any form of Alcohol. Contrary to popular belief alcohol does not completely burn off during cooking.

— Peter Benac

As a Type I diabetic I want to clear up a misconception. Unflavored hard liquor doesn’t contain any carbs at all. Calories yes, but not carbs. In fact, hard liquor will actually cause your blood sugar to drop which is the opposite of having carbs which will cause your blood sugar to rise.


— Terri Strong

Thank you for recipie. I have family and friends that embrace sobriety and being able to make vanilla extract that I can gift them makes me and them happy. Also like the shelf life tip

— Laurie

Where do you buy the glycerin

— Donna

Is this worth it? How does it compare with an alcohol based extract? Also, can the beans be added to a spirit based mother jar? And lastly, am I understanding that it is ready for use in just a few months?

— JohannaNoel

I’m going to try this. Where might I purchase bottles like in the pic?

— Corene Hines

As a newly diagnosed diabetic I am glad to see an alternative to alcohol based extracts. Thank you.

— Bonnie Green

Do you ship to Canada?

— Carol Logan

Just minor suggestions. First, it is almost universally agreed that you need to weigh the vanilla beans, not just put a specific number. It would be great to tell people both, weight and number.

Second, unlike alcohol-based vanilla extract, glycerin extract has a shelf life. I’ve heard that you should probably use it within 2 years. Mine never last that long, but it would probably good to mention it.


— Bruce Foster