Any Kahlua lovers out there? Homemade Kahlua has a simple and perfect balance of sweetness that is shared with coffee, rum, and vanilla! It’s so easy to make. You just need 4 ingredients, cute bottles, and time. After 2 to 3 weeks you’ll have the perfect little gift just in time for the holidays. If it’s just for you, skip the cute bottles and enjoy sipping or baking with your Kahlua.



  • 2 ½ cups strong and hot fresh brewed coffee
  • cups sugar - organic or whatever your preference
  • 2 ¼ cups dark or white rum (Dark for added richness/warmth. White for a more pure coffee taste.)  
  • 1.5 inch vanilla bean - cut in half lengthwise for aged quality or 1 tablespoon of your favorite homemade extract for instant gratification.  Ummm...  I'm always a little liberal with my vanilla I may have added a little more:)



- Stir sugar into hot coffee and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Let cool.

-Add the dark rum or white and vanilla pieces, stir.

-Cover and let sit for 2 to 3 weeks in a cool place.

-Strain, remove beans and bottle.

-If you are using vanilla extract then stir in and it is ready. It won't have quite the depth of flavor but it is good.


Here's a video tutorial:


Thanks to vegan in the freezer for sharing your Mom’s recipe!





Jill Fulton


Let the Kahlua sit for 2-3 weeks, try it, and see what you think!! Keep it in a cool dark place for maximum shelf life. It can last for years when stored properly.

— VanillaPura Pro

We are not sure about using a keto sugar as a substitute, but I think it’s worth a try! Go for it:). Let us know how it turns out.

— VanillaPura Pro

Could you use a Keto sugar substitute? I am diabetic….thanks!

— Susan

Do you put in refrigerator and wait 3 was before consuming. Or can it be drank right away like the Irish cream?

— Grace Marney

Do you keep this on the cupboard out of the fridge for the three weeks or where do you put it and what can you do with this one it’s done do you have any recipes to share thank you

— Linda

Hi Sandi! That is not something we have tried, but certainly sounds amazing! Maybe we should check it out. :) If you have a recipe you’d like to share with us, we’d be interested!

— VanillaPura

Have you ever made hazelnut extract?

— Sandi Perry