It is still freezing outside and I am spending way too much money at the local Starbucks just to warm up! I started thinking of all the lattes they add vanilla to. Would it not be great to add real pure vanilla to those hot wintery drinks instead of something from a vanilla pump? What is in that stuff anyways?  So save your pennies and drink those yummy warm wintery drinks at home with real pure vanilla!  

The London Fog is an earl grey tea latte with foamy milk and vanilla. The most important aspects to remember are:

  • The right kind of tea- good quality Earl Grey Tea is essential
  • Hot, foamy milk– you can use whatever kind of milk you like but I prefer almond or oat milk in my lattes. If you do not have a frother, it is ok. Just steam it over the stove or in the microwave.
  • Vanilla–  Pour some pure Vanillapura extract in there and you are good to go!



  • 1 Earl Grey tea bag
  • 1/2 cup hot water
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk (or other milk of choice)
  • 1/4 tsp Vanillapura extract
  • 1–2 tsp raw honey, maple syrup, agave or sweetener of choice



  1. Steep your tea bag in the hot water for 3-5 mins (depending on strength preference)
  2. Mix together almond milk and vanilla extract and steam or froth depending on what tools you have.
  3. Stir sweetener in with steeped tea and top with frothed milk.
  4. Enjoy hot!






Jill Fulton
Tagged: cream latte tea