Mocha Vanilla Extract

This vanilla extract is named after the sweet and talented person that invented it. Starlette is the living embodiment of of vanilla bean sweetness. She was one of the first members for our private vanilla extract making group on Facebook (click here to join) and she embodies what the group is all about. Kindness to everyone, helpful to all and never without a smile. 

We are proud to share her recipe with you in her own words:

Vanilla Mocha Extract😋
This was an experiment!! I wanted something because I love mocha and vanilla flavors. Well, I'm glad I did this one because its fabulous so far. I'll be using it in everything chocolate😋
The recipe may sound confusing because the different steps involved to reach the maximum flavor of each ingredient without hiding any. So use your nose and adjust to your liking is the best advice to give. ENJOY😋
You will need:
1 pint jar or larger
1 ounce of vanilla beans, tied
1 cup dark arabica coffee beans
1 cup chocolate nibs
12-14 oz vodka
For the vanilla: I used 5 Madagascar Vanilla Beans to infuse the familiar buttery vanilla flavor and 5 Indonesian Beans for their strong, earthy flavor that pairs well with both chocolate and coffee.  You can use any variety of Beans.  For the coffee, I used whole bean Safeway Sumatra, but any good medium arabica coffee is fine.
To start, tie the vanilla beans into a knot so the caviar stays in the bean and the bean stays under the alcohol. Add them to the jar with 1 cup of slightly cracked coffee beans, pour in 12-14 ounces of alcohol, shake gently, and store in a cool, dark place. Shake every day or two. After a month, strain and remove the coffee. Add the vanilla beans back into the strained alcohol with 1/2 cup chocolate nibs, let brew another month. By this time it should start taking on a mocha fragrance.  If not, strain and add another round of coffee/chocolate for an additional 2-4 weeks or until the mocha flavor is achieved.
When ready, strain, cut and add your vanilla beans back into the jar with the extracted liquid. This needs to extract another 2-3 months for the full vanilla flavor to come through.
Use your nose and extract to the scent and flavor to your liking.  I added a few drops in a tablespoon of whole milk with a dash of sugar to test flavoring.  Mine steeps six months or more, but you can use it sooner.
Extract Time: 3-6 months, longer for a more vanilla flavor.
Note:  Use this extract in Coffee Cakes, Brownies, or Cookies.  I also add a tablespoon to Chili and Meatloaf to mellow out the flavors. Great addition to hot chocolate or iced mochas! 
Here are video tutorials to make this extract:
Part 1:
Part 2
Part 3
VanillaPura Vanilla Pro


What kind of rum was that?

— Gail

Do the coffee beans float to the top when added?

— Ruth Serio

Wow, I’ve got this recipe brewing and it smells phenomenal! I used a dark rum, already took the coffee beans out and currently have the cocoa nibs in there doing it’s thing along with the vanilla beans. It has a wonderful smell of coffee and chocolate at this point and I just cannot wait for the final product several months down the road. I doubled the recipe so I’ll have plenty to share. I’ve reached out to Starlette along the way and she has been a great help! Make this, you won’t regret it!! 🙂👍🏻

— Norma Custis

Good afternoon. Just bottling my mocha extract. Wondering what people do with the cacao nibs? wondered if you could grind with vanilla beans after drying a little in sugar and making a vanilla mocha sugar to bake with. I hate to waste them. I make orange and lemon sugar with my rinds after drying them so just wondering??/ Thanks in advance…

— Colleen Ramsey

To Todd, there is no sugar in the chocolate nibs. Look for it on Amazon, they are not chocolate bars.

— Gail Beaudoin

Hi I am a newbie 😁 I saw. Your recipe and I have to try it! My beans finally came in and I am ready now, however in the videos they are saying dark rum and in the recipe it calls for vodka. My question is which one did you create this recipe with? I’m sure both would turn out great but I would like to try the original recipe first since I only have enough of the Indonesian beans for one batch for now lol
Thank you and I’m so very excited to start this one 😁

— Colleen

Please clarify for me as I’m confused with the difference in amount of chocolate nips in recipe vs in directions. Recipe calls for 1 cup chocolate nibs but directions say 1/2 cup.
I’m so looking forward to trying this but I want to get it right from recipe before I adjust for personal taste.
Thank you for your help.

— Emily Cohen

Hi Starlette, I’m a newbie your recipe says for the Starlette says 1oz of beans although the video says one oz each of Madagascar and Indonesian. I’m confused. Also has anyone ever tried all Madagascar?

— Paulette Sauvageau

Your recipe calls for one cup of dark arabica coffee beans but further down in the directions you say tie the vanilla beans in a knot add a 1/4 a cup of cracked coffee beans to it then add the liquor on top. Do you use 1 cup of coffee beans or 1/4 cup of coffee beans?

— Susan McInnis

Where do u buy chocolate nibs

— Kelly kurtzbach

Cocoa nibs are before the cocoa is ground, no sugar is involved

— Kirsten Felton

Thank you for posting the recipe.
My question is: what do you mean by “tie the beans in a knot!”
Literally tie the beans into knots or tie them together with non wicking string/floss?

— Dawn Herd

I will be making this when my beans arrive. Thank you for the recipe Starlette💐

— Roxann Young

What is Chocolate nibs? Thank you!

— Harriet Bradley

Your recipe calls for one cup of dark arabica coffee beans but further down in the directions you say tie the vanilla beans in a knot add a 1/4 a cup of cracked coffee beans to it then add the liquor on top. Do you use 1 cup of coffee beans or 1/4 cup of coffee beans?

— Donna Napolitan

Thank you for posting the recipe. I will pick up my Vodka tomorrow and waiting on beans.
What is a Chocolate nibs?
Thank you very much.

— Michelle Maybury

Thank you for posting the recipe. I will pick up my Vodka tomorrow and waiting on beans.
What is a Chocolate nibs?
Thank you very much.

— Michelle Maybury

Do you know how this might work with SUGAR FREE chocolate? There are really some wonderful sugar free chocolates out there, several brands, I happen to have “Lily’s” – we are trying to be sugar free, but this sounds AMAZING!

— Todd Goin