Where to Buy Vanilla Orchids
VanillaPura does not currently sell vanilla orchids, so we are happy to recommend you to places that do sell them. The list of retailers below is simply a compilation of retailers mentioned online and within our Facebook group, "Growing Vanilla Orchids by VanillaPura" that was created as a resource to help people grow orchids at home.
The retailers below are listed in the order that we were made aware of them. We have personally not purchased orchids from them, but many have with good results and have recommended them. We have found that your local nursery is a good starting point and, if they aren't able to obtain them, you can go online and find other sources like these.
Best of luck on your vanilla journey! Please join our Facebook group and share your experiences, so others can benefit from what you have learned. And if there are other places to buy orchids that you would recommend, please let us know so we can add them to this list.
- Blue Moon Tropicals
- Logees
- Lees Botanical Gardens
- Tropical Plantae
- Josh's Frogs
- Wellspring Gardens
- You may want to check Amazon, Etsy and e-Bay as well.
- EMAIL US AT support@vanillapura.com if you know of other sources to add to this list or if you have a poor experience with any of the retailers here so we can remove them from the list.
Ready to begin making your own vanilla extract with real vanilla beans? Visit our extract-making guide center for everything you need to begin your extract-making journey.