Notre Le groupe Facebook privé est composé de dizaines de milliers de personnes du monde entier. Certains de nos contributeurs plongent profondément dans la science de l’extrait de vanille, et Starlette est l’une de nos préférées.

Faites-vous de nouveaux amis, apprenez un nouveau métier et obtenez 50% DE RÉDUCTION votre premier kit de démarrage d'extrait de vanille en vous inscrivant à un cours virtuel de création d'extraits en cliquant ici et en vous inscrivant aujourd'hui.

Compte tenu des questions régulières et récurrentes posées par les membres de notre groupe sur l'utilisation d'Everclear dans la fabrication d'extraits, Starlette a décidé de mener sa propre expérience et elle nous a tous invités à la suivre.


Introduction : 22 février 2021

Comparaison Everclear High Proof -
Je publie ceci principalement pour nos nouveaux venus dans la fabrication de la vanille et pour le groupe à titre informatif car j'ai trouvé que c'était une expérience sympa ! Je ne suis pas du tout un pro, ou c'est ma voie, la bonne. Il s'agit de partager mes connaissances que j'ai acquises en extrayant au cours des 8 dernières années.
J'ai vu des articles circuler sur l'extraction avec Everclear non dilué et à haute résistance et cela commence à en dérouter certains. Je souhaite donc partager avec vous mes résultats avec l'Everclear 190 à haute résistance.
Permettez-moi de commencer par dire que les gousses de vanille contiennent plus de 250 arômes complexes qui sont extraits à différents moments au cours du processus de 12 à 18 mois. Certains de ces arômes sont extraits par l’alcool et certains arômes sont extraits par l’eau. Cela étant dit, si vous utilisez un alcool à haute teneur avec un minimum d'eau, vous n'obtiendrez pas tous les arômes des grains avant qu'ils ne commencent à durcir. Oui, ils durcissent dans de l'alcool à haute teneur. Peut-être pas trop croustillant, mais l'enveloppe extérieure le sera. Dans cette expérience, j'ai utilisé Everclear 190, pur et dilué avec de l'eau distillée.
L'image montre des gousses de vanille dans les 3 épreuves distinctes. Le pot de gauche est Everclear dilué à 100 proof, le pot du milieu est Everclear dilué à 140 proof et le pot de droite est Everclear droit à 190 proof.
190 Proof - L'Everclear à 190 proof a fait frire mes haricots jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient croustillants en une demi-heure. Même maintenant, après presque un mois, c'est toujours à peu près le même.
140 Proof – L'Everclear dilué à 140 proof évolue lentement sans aucune trace de parfum de vanille. L'enveloppe extérieure des grains est plus dure mais toujours souple.
100 Proof – L'Everclear dilué à 100 proof, la vanille est foncée, riche et sent bon. Cette preuve semble extraire le meilleur de tous.
La FDA recommande d'extraire à 70-100 proof pour obtenir les meilleurs résultats et pour suivre ses directives, 80 proof est ce que la plupart d'entre nous utilisent. 1 once de haricots pour chaque tasse d’alcool est le rapport pour une concentration simple.
C'est mon expérience avec l'alcool à haute teneur. Ma recommandation serait la même que celle des exigences de la FDA, preuve 70-100. Après tout, ne voulons-nous pas un excellent extrait de vanille au lieu d'un simple bon 😋 Je sais, je le sais. Miam miam
Expérience Everclear
Mise à jour n°1 : 3 mars 2021
Près d'un mois après le début de l'expérience Everclear à haute résistance, il semble que peu de choses se soient passées avec la preuve diluée à 140 et la preuve pure à 190. Mais la preuve à 100 fonctionne. J'ai coupé les haricots plus petits pour voir si cela aide. Ces bocaux n’ont pas été secoués, ils restent simplement assis à faire leur travail.
Everclear 190 - J'ai utilisé cet alcool directement. La couleur n'a pas beaucoup changé même après un mois d'extraction. Ce pot n'a pas de parfum de vanille, seulement de l'alcool et les grains sont durs comme de la pierre.
Everclear 140 - Ce pot a été dilué avec de l'eau distillée pour ramener l'indice à 140. Il y a un soupçon de parfum de vanille dans le pot mais seulement une très petite quantité et la couleur a un peu changé. L'extérieur du grain est dur mais toujours souple.
Everclear 100 - Ce pot a également été dilué avec de l'eau distillée et semble fonctionner le mieux. Le parfum de ce pot sent incroyablement bon. Sombres, riches et les haricots sont doux et toujours très souples.
Je vais toujours les laisser reposer dans l'espoir d'un meilleur résultat d'ici un an. Plus tard 😋
Everclear à l'extrait de vanille
VanillaPura Vanilla Pro


Welcome to the world of extracting Sandy! A great place to start would be following our recipe for Homemade Vanilla Extract, you can copy and paste the link below into your browser or search for ‘DIY Homemade Vanilla Extract’ in our recipe collection :-)

You can also get plentiful help and tips by joining our Facebook group ‘Making Vanilla Extract by VanillaPura’ (

— VanillaPura Pro

Im new to extract making but not to tincture making. This is how i was taught to make tinctures to get the whole range of medicine from the herbs. I wish more people understood this in reguards to both. Good information here.

— Amanda

So 1st)…..I’m new to this,
2nd) …..How do I efficiently, inexpensively (as possible) make
-Vanilla Extract ?!?!

— Sandy Turner

To make it easier… Using a whole Everclear 750ml bottle, the dilution with distilled water goes as follows:

Using 190 proof Everclear:
to make it 100 proof add 675ml of water
95 proof add 750ml water
80 proof add 1031 ml of water

Using 151 proof Everclear:
to make it 100 proof add 383ml water
90 proof add 508 ml water
80 proof add 665 ml water

Using 120 proof Everclear:
100 proof add 150 ml water
90 proof add 250 ml water
80 proof add 375ml water

— Janna Stein

There is a standard formula that can be used for diluting liquids. Here we would use:
Proof 1 x Volume 1= Proof 2 x Volume 2 (P1 V1 = P2 V2)
Where Proof 1 (P1) is the starting proof of your alcohol, Volume 1 (V1) is the unknown we are solving for, Proof 2 (P2) is the final proof you desire and Volume 2 (V2) is the final volume you are making.
For example: you have 190 proof Everclear and you want to make a quart (32 oz) of 100 proof. What volume of 190 proof (V1) and how much distilled water do you use?
V1 = P2 xV2 / P1
V1 = 100 proof x 32 oz / 190 proof = 3200 / 190 = 16.8 oz (a little more than 2 cups)
Next you solve for the water:
Final volume V2 – calculated volume V1 = volume of water needed
32 oz – 16.8 oz = 15.2 oz ( a little less than 2 cups)
So, if you mixed. 2 cups of 190 proof with 2 cups of distilled water, you would have very close to 100 proof (95 proof).
I hope this helps.

— Melanie

Hi Veronica,
The bean to alcohol ratio is 1 ounce of vanilla beans to 8 ounces of alcohol.
Happy Extracting!:)

— VanillaPura Pro

How many vanilla beans go into an eight ounce container?

— Veronica Swink

Like many here, they have $100+ of beans in jars of full 95% everclear. The beans have been soaking for 8 months. Q1 – should I add water now to make 40%, and if so what type of water, tap, boiled, distilled, something else. Q2 – when I add room temp tap water, the solution clouds. How can I uncloud it? Is there a way to add the get the solution to be clear?

— David

Hi, thanks for tips. I’m excited to soak my vanilla beans in 70-100 proof Everclear. Can I just cut the pods in half to fit better in my jar? How much distlled water & Everclear do I use for 4 ounces of vanilla beans? What other flavors of alcohol do you suggest & how much distlled water do I include. Thanks!

— Jen

The jar in your experiment that was labeled 100 proof was watered down. because you started with 190 proof. Correct? So I have a 1 liter bottle of 151 proof Everclear that needs water added to make it under 100 proof to make my vanilla! I cannot figure out how much water to add. So how much water would you add to say 1 cup of 151 proof Everclear? In all the posts online and everywhere they talk about 190 proof but not 151 proof and then they just tell you how much water is already in the 151 proof. This is driving me cuckoo!!

— Roberta

How do you use 42.5% alcohol with 151 proof Everclear? I just bought 1 liter.

— Roberta

Hi Starlette, just wondered if you have any pictures of this experiment now that’s it’s been a year. It would be great to see. Thanks so much for everything you do!

— Kimberly Nolan

I would like to see the reference that says FDA recommends or requires 70-100 proof. All I find is that the FDA requires a Minimum of 70 proof (35%).
Many federal standards are a minimum requirement to protect the health of the general public and protect from the old “snake oil “ salesmen of the past.

Very informative post, but I have had repeated success with 190 proof for vanilla ( and other) and will continue to use 190 proof.

Thanks !!

— Jeff

For the everclear users, did you split the vanilla beans down the center? This is how so was told to do this and my vanilla extract turned out perfect!!

— Tracie Chavis

Why would you use distilled water? Water that has everything cooked out of it. Why not spring water?

— John Deans

I heard about extracting with Everclear in early 2021 but did not get a lot of this information. It had been extracting from early April 2021 to near end of December before I realized there may be a problem. I extract in dark amber swing-top beer bottles, so the color of the extract is not obvious by looking at the bottle. Yesterday I decided to pour out the extract and combine it with distilled water to lower the alcohol percentage. (I diluted to something like a 55:45 ratio, with the distilled water being the 45.) First of all, I was SHOCKED to see how DARK the extract had become. I have been extracting vanilla for just a couple of years and never have gotten it that dark before. However, I don’t want to smell alcohol when I open a vanilla bottle; I want to get a whiff of VANILLA, so I proceeded with my plan to get somewhere in the range of 100 proof, poured the extra alcohol concoction in another bottle for future fresh vanilla beans, and returned the beans that had been sitting in 190 proof Everclear for 9 months back into the bottle with the now-100 proof alcohol. After mixing the distilled water with the 190-proof alcohol extraction, it became very cloudy. My understanding is that since I used distilled water I can expect it to clear up within a few days. We’ll see!

— Michele

To Dusty,
Is the alcohol 40% or 40 proof.? If it is 40% alcohol ? At 40% alcohol= 80 proof. This is for Vodka.
Different Range of Alcohol Content in Different Alcoholic Beverages
S.No. Alcoholic Drinks ABV Proof
1. Brandy, Gin, Tequilla, Vodka, and Whiskey 40% 80
2. Rum 50% 100
3. Flavored Vodkas 35% 75
4. Cointreau and Benedictine 40% 80

— Diane W Jones

Wish I had found this before I made my vanilla back in January 2021 with straight 190 proof Everclear. I found a recipe for it online and decided to give it a go but they never said anything about diluting it I have 3 bottles of it that even now haven’t changed much. My beans don’t seem to be hard as rocks but the color really hasn’t changed at all. Is there a way I can salvage this at all? Even if it means diluting and adding new beans, I would be willing to try that I guess. Better than dumping right?

— Kristi

Oh dear. The bottle of vodka I used to start my first extracts earlier this month is only 40proof.
Have I ruined my extracts??

Tried googling an answer and nothing comes up remotely helpful.
Please help if you can, thanks!

— Dusty

Hi Ronald!
Great question. The alcohol has already been “proofed.” Proofing just refers to how there are two times alcohol by volume. For example, a 120 Proof Alcohol would be 60% alcohol. :) Hope this helps!

— VanillaPura

How do I proof the everclear?

— Ronald Harper

1st batch i made with striaght 190 proof everclear. Didn’t turn out that well for cooking but incredibly delicious for sipping. Glad I stumbled upon this website before committed all of my madagascar grade A beans for entertaining. going to go with two batches this time. 50% of beans in 190 proof and the other half in diluted 190 proof everclear.
Thank you for the great article

— Nic

I didn’t understand the adding water to 190 proof everclear. I put my beans in full strength on 8/27 21! Help. Can I still selvage my 6 jars? What exactly should I do?? Thank you for any help.

— Joellen

I have 120 proof everclear. How much distilled water to the everclear? Please

— Laurie Murphy

Using alcohol with 100+proof will dry out your beans, that’s why the 190 period jar is hard and not extracting. If you use grain alcohol to extract you must dilute with distilled water a couple days before adding your beans.

— Rissa

Why would you choose to use Everclear rather than vodka to begin with?

— Cindy Johnson

William, try buying 80 proof vodka. I use Platinum 7X. It’s an extra smooth vodka, not real expensive & sure makes delicious vanilla extract. I asked a scientist friend of mine & he recommended it. I don’t drink alcohol of any kind & the Everclear made a bitter twang to the extract. Hope this helps! Good luck.

— Bea

If you mix equal parts of 190 proof (95% alcohol) Everclear and water you will have an 80 proof (40% alcohol) result.

If you mix 4 parts 100 proof Everclear to 1 part water it will yield 80 proof result.
Someone in the FB group linked: to calculate using the blending tab.

— Rich Adams

I am beginning my first attempt at Vanilla Extract. I am unsure what spirit, and vanilla bean to use for the best possible extract. Looking for advice.

— William

Dumb question. How much distilled water is added to get the 140 and 100 proof?

— Renee

Thank you, Starlette! Looking forward to further updates, as I have a friend who has 5 gallons of Everclear and they keep offering it to me for vanilla extract. I may have to take them up on their offer now!

— Lori

Thanks for sharing this experiment and for the update. I’ll be following, and likely brewing a batch or two with Everclear, myself.

— Katie Fast

Great information, thank you!

— Harold Conklin

Thank you for sharing. Very,very informative.

— Teresa

Ok still very new at this . So for the everclear 100 mix what amount of water do you use? Sorry if this sounds dumb.

— Lee Schultz